Welcome to Eat.Sweat.Pray Fitness and Pilates with Steph

I am so glad you’re here! There’s a lot of information here, schedules, necessary waivers & questionnaires, and a fitness test to complete. Make sure to check the calendar below for schedule changes. These documents help me serve you better, so please download, complete, and return to me or bring to our first session together.

This will help measure strength gains. Download by clicking on the image.

Please complete this so we can measure strength gains over time. Download by clicking on the image.

The questionnaire is req'd to get started. Download, review & sign. The other documents assist with our discussions, please complete as well.

Download by clicking on the image, review and sign.

Download by clicking on the image, review and sign.

Download by clicking on the image, review and sign.

Download by clicking on the image, review and sign.


Please email me to redeem your free session for referring your friend. THANK YOU!


What Personal Training and Nutrition clients are saying…

I had my annual physical and my doctor was very pleased! I’m off one blood pressure medication and the second is vastly reduced. She thinks if I keep exercising the way we are, I’ll be off that soon too! Thanks Stephanie!
— Janie, 70's
Thank you for the nutrition coaching. Your expertise and guidance are such a blessing.
— Bay Club client
I just love the way you put the workouts together. They are always perfect. I think I’m stronger than I’ve ever been.
— Bay Club client
I’m very happy to be back training after a few weeks off. Thanks for being such a bright and beautiful light in this world. And girllll, I hate those horsekicks in the moment, but love the burn in my booty.
— Liz, 30's
Thank you for a complete head-to-toe workout. I feel great and now more ready for the rest of the day. I’m very grateful for my 6:30am morning workouts!!
— Tamika, 40's
Hi Stephanie, I loved your class! You always have the best workouts! You always put a smile on my face. You are full of the best advice and info. Thank you!
— Michelle, 40's
I definitely noticed improvements in my strength and agility. Your sessions are challenging, but I always feel so much better after them. You’re awesome!
— Bay Club client
I have learned & tried things I never would have done on my own. The side-plank knee-to-elbow is the hardest thing I’ve done to date. Wow. You’ve created a monster in me; I literally get on the treadmill now, to relax.
— Bay Club client
Thank you for your encouragement and guidance! I am a man and did your “Madonna Arms” lesson this morning. It was very hard. I used half lb each and could only manage up to the 2-minute mark. My arms completely collapsed.
— Rupin, virtual client
Stephanie kicks my ass every week. My wife and I bought a package to share just to get started working out again, but we will be buying another package when this one is finished. Stephanie is worth every penny.
— Bryant, 40's
I am so grateful for our training sessions. I feel so much stronger in the saddle and it’s made all the difference in my riding.
— Bay Club client
Stoked about the strength I’m building. I can’t believe the progress we’ve made! Our sessions really help make my days smoother too.
— Bay Club client
I was so sore after our workout, like for 3 days. Muscles were feeling good though. You were right, it was FUN.
— Michelle, 40's
That band squat exercise was killer. I loved it!! It is truly a privilege to train with you, Steph. BTW, the look on my face today said “Lord, don’t let me die right now.”
— Bay Club client
Your workouts are challenging, but loved every bit of it. Thank you! I can’t wait to practice some of these exercises on my “off days” from training.
— Bay Club client
Omggg girl... my sides. Those kettlebells crunches killed me. I love it. And now I’m so excited to do a Pilates session with you. We get to do it all!
— Bay Club client
I’ve never used the Pilates Reformer before last week and that Calf Ladder you made me do killed me! I felt it for 3 days. WOW!
— Bay Club client
Our sessions are amazing, challenging, but balanced workouts. You have an anointing for this work. THANK YOU!
— Bay Club client
Thank you for a great session today. I’m still burning calories from this morning’s workout. I haven’t trained like this in years and it feels great.
— Bay Club client
I owe it all to you Steph. I couldn’t do any of this on my own. Even on the days I don’t feel like working out, you get me going and I feel so much better, stronger, and can tackle the day better. And you inspire me to eat better. I can’t live without you, I wish I had all the money in the world to train with you every day.
— Raksha, 40's