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Brownie Batter Recover

24. October 24 - Sunday.jpg

We have been firing up our muscles each Sunday with a little extra love + care!

Foam rolling is being featured in more and more BOD programs as a bonus recovery workout, and we are hoping you are loving it as an added workout to your week!

In addition to foam rolling, we can’t talk enough about our Recover product line and the huge effects this two-punch combo has on our bodies recovery.

Beachbody Recover comes in two flavors and is now available in plant-based options!

Here is my favorite way to use Recover post-workout - my Recover Brownie Batter! If you are following Portion Fix, this counts as 1 red container. If you are following 2B Mindset, track this as a post-workout snack!

Brownie Batter Recover


  • 1 scoop of Beachbody Recover in Chocolate (whey or plant-based blend)

  • ¼ c. of unsweetened almond milk

  • 1 tsp. Organic nut butter


  1. Place 1 scoop of Recover in a bowl. Add nut butter and mix together to a paste.

  2. Slowly add milk a little at a time until your batter reaches desired consistency!

This is delicious topped with berries or granola if you want to build it into more of a meal!
