Interested in joining my 6-week Fat Loss Program? Want to drop 10 lbs or 10 inches in less than 2 months? Join here!

I'm so excited for this - SAY NO TO SUGAR - challenge

I don’t know if your holidays looked like mine, but the champagne was flowing, the dark chocolate (it’s still chocolate y’all) was around and there were appetizers out ALL. THE. TIME. Oh man, just writing about it makes me feel like I’m not doing it justice. It was plentiful and frequent. We weren’t helping feed any starving nations. BAD.

But, this is a new month and a new year and newness always brings positivity for change. If you break up the word CHAlleNGE you see the word “change” is in there, so I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but I can promise you it will be worth it! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! So message me to reserve a spot. I ran this group in Jan and it filled up before I could even share it on my blog (sorry). So this is your 2nd chance, don’t blow it, K? LOL

You’ll get:
* 10 Superfood vegan protein shakes —> GF, DF, GMO free, Casein free & Carrageenan free!!! Check the cheaper brands, or even your alternative milk in your fridge, you do not want this! It’s a toxin for your IG tract.
* professionally written menu by a dietician focusing on flavorful, delicious, EASY meals that will please the entire family and be focused on minimal sugar. Trust me, your taste buds will still be happy!
* private accountability group - what you say here stays here, kind of like Vegas :)
* coaching by ME!!!! I’m limiting the group to 50 so I can get to all the questions and provide feedback and motivation
* bonus —> 10-day de-stress challenge b/c life has been crazy these past 2 yrs. This has been a hit in my January group!

What you can expect:
* weight loss. so far we are on Day 6 and most have lost between 2-4 lbs. Generally avg is 5-11 lbs in 10 days. We aren’t looking for massive weight loss, but depending on how bad your body needs this, you will lose fat, water weight and inflammation. I”m here for that!!
* better sleep —> falling asleep faster, deeper and longer. This is what I’ve enjoyed the most.
* more energy —> the first 2 days are hard to adjust, but then it’s a natural perkiness not having sugar in your system. Who doesn’t want more energy???
* reflection —> a lot of us have been surprised with what “triggers” us to want sugar. Emotions, disappointment, even positives can make us grab to cope or to celebrate. Some have realized it’s when the kids come home from school and are having snack, or the habits we’ve formed “after dinner” just because.

I can’t wait to hear what your takeaways are! This group will fill up, I know it. We have 10 already signed up and it’s more than a month away (Feb 28th)! email me to get signed up and send $70 via Venmo or PayPal!
