
Day 23: Cardio Core

My favorite pre-workout drink, or anytime I need a little extra boost during the day, since I don't drink coffee. :)

One last time for Cardio Core! Ok, for this Phase, fine, but it sounds good, doesn't it?

You’ll need your Beachbody Strength Slides and Energize to crush this 35-minute workout. 

Energize is great for helping give you that boost for your workout and is very low cal, low sugar and only caffeine in it is from green tea. It's key ingredients and phytonutrients are scientifically shown to help improve exercise performance, sharpen focus, and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue*. 

If you take Energize, how does it help you on days like this?  You should not have more than two servings a day.  People like it THAT much so I get that question often.  I have been known to drink this on long travel days to wake up (USA ---> Australia). 

Day 8: Total Body Core

It’s a brand-new week! Let’s kick some booty…literally...and abs…and everything else.  This is a full body workout and one of my favorites!

This week the workouts change to 3 sets of 10 reps so we’ll do the entire set of exercises once and then repeat them all twice more.  Since the reps are lower than last week, try to increase your weights a little, plus you had 6 days of other workouts so I bet you're already a little stronger! Try and see, you can always stick with the same weight if you're not ready yet, but PUSH YOURSELF!

You've already done Total Body Core once, so this week really focus on form and the “mind-muscle connection.” That means visualizing which muscle you’re working, and focusing your attention on the movement. Make sure you feel it where Autumn mentions the burn.  If she says her booty is on fire and you're feeling it in your quads then you need to adjust something.  Yes, you're still getting exercise in and burning calories, but this isn't leg day so really focus on working the area she's focusing on.  

A NOTE ABOUT RESISTANCE LOOPS: Make sure you check your loops for tears before each workout, and if you see any throw the loop away and get a new one. Also, have patience with the loops as it's normal for it to take a little time to get them in the right place, so if you have to, pause the workout, adjust the loop, and restart when you’re ready. I had to do this all the time in Round One.  Plus, believe it or not, by Phase 3 you'll be doubling or tripling your bands.  Don't believe me?  Wait and see for yourself.  

Day 7: Roll & Release

foam roller.jpg

Here’s your much-needed first Rest Day!  How do you feel about this?  Are you feeling "YAHOO" or more like "BOO-HOO"?  It sounds funny to say and I'm not a workout-a-holic, but rest day is hard for me!  I like to stay consistent and it keeps me in check.  When my exercise goes out the door, my nutrition is usually just a few steps behind it.  If you're like me, listen to your body and push past this!  Remember, we are doing a program and to get the intended results, we MUST TRUST THE PROGRAM AND DO THE PROGRAM.  All in, even rest days!

I also want to stress the importance of self-care. You’ll hear Autumn talk about it a lot in during 80 Days Obsession.  Here's why - we are training like an athlete y'all.  We really are!   These are not beginner workouts! You need to stretch, relax, and let your body recover from what you’re putting it through, plus, your muscles will have a chance to lengthen out and be ready for what they next 6 days have in store for them. Autumn created two bonus workouts that you can use anytime (but especially on rest day) which are Roll & Release and Stretch & Release.  You'll need a foam roller for this and at first, it might hurt.  But that's good pain and you're getting all the lactic acid out and increasing circulation to help relieve muscle soreness and restore mobility. Push past any pain and you'll feel better in the long run.  

Day 2: Booty Day

Booty day! My favorite day…and a body part that can use some focused attention :) 

This workout is just a little under 60 minutes and uses our Beachbody loops, a mat, and a chair for balance if you're modifying. We do a lot of this on the floor, but don't be fooled, we are NOT RESTING!  We are going to feel the burn in the best possible way and be earning some major booty gains!  Watch this video if you need a reminder of what equipment is required throughout the program.  If you want a second set, add it to your Shakeology order so you only pay $20 extra instead of $60 when you buy it separately!  I'm all about saving money where I can!