
Taco Tuesday, Taco Thursday, any day is Taco day!!

I mean, really, why do we restrict tacos to days that start with “T”??? I want to break this habit and start new memes that say “every day is taco day!!!!” ha! So, I’ve complied my favorite recipes together and shared them with you for free! ;) You’re welcome in advance because your mouth is going to water and your friends are going to be impressed!!! Enjoy! I’d love to hear what your favorite recipe is!

Turkey chili - hello fall!

Turkey chili - the perfect meal to pull together on a cool Sunday in the Fall. 😍 Who is with me?! Maybe you can try this tomorrow! This is also a great recipe to make ahead for a quick, high-protein lunch, or to freeze for a busy weekday dinner when you’re too busy to cook! 

This recipe has 2 cans of kidney beans… but you can use any beans you like, or ne wild and try 2 different types of beans.


  • 1 tsp olive oil

  • 1 large onion, chopped

  • 1 medium red bell pepper, chopped

  • 1 medium yellow or orange bell pepper, chopped

  • 1 lb raw 93% lean ground turkey

  • 1 (28 oz) can chopped tomatoes

  • 2 (15 oz) cans kidney beans, rinsed + drained

  • 1 tsp chili powder

  • ½ tsp sea salt

  • Crushed red peppers (to taste, optional)

  • 12 sprigs of parsley, chopped


  1. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat.

  2. Add the onion and bell peppers. Cook, stirring frequently, for 4-5 minutes, or until the onion is soft.

  3. Add the turkey and cook for 4-5 minutes, or until the turkey is browned.

  4. Add tomatoes, beans, chili powder, salt, and crushed red peppers. Cook, stirring frequently, for 10-15 minutes.

  5. Divide turkey chili into 6 serving bowls and garnish with parsley if desired.

Yield: 6 servings
Ultimate Portion Fix Containers: ½ Green, ½ Red, 1½ Yellow
2B Mindset Plate It: Add a side salad or veggies for a great lunch option.

Help chose my business logo; vote below!!

So, I did a thing!! I got Certified as a Personal Trainer with NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and am starting my own business focusing on nutrition (also got certified with NASM as a Nutrition Coach) and fitness. Not just fitness though, doing functional assessments (via Zoom thanks to Covid) so we can create your training program around muscles that are short and overactive; thus need to be stretched, and muscles that are long and underactive; therefore, need to be strengthened. No one program suits everyone! I’m loving this because my first four clients are already seeing weight loss and strength gains which his a double W I N !!!

My business name is following my Instagram Handle (@eatsweatpray) so Eat. Sweat. Pray Fitness. These are transparent so they can be placed on trucker hats, muscle t’s and documents / letterhead. I’d love your opinion. The ones in teal would remain that way, the ones in all black could be changed to teal writing or design so just go with design you like best. Maybe top 2?

Thanks for voting! I’ll choose a random comment to send a Herb Stripper to as a thank you! See what it is here! The kids use ours every week!

Miso glazed Eggplant

This picture doesn’t do it justice to how delicious it is. It is so flavorful, super filling and such a great serving of vegetables. My entire family loves it which I never dreamed my 6 yr old son would TOUCH. AN. EGGPLANT. There are so many recipes on Pinterest, but a lot have unnecessary sugar. The miso is so strong, I’d let it speak for itself. So often people take a vegetable and douse it in sauces and it’s no longer healthy. What’s the point in that? Fried okra? Why not grill it? I digress…

Cut eggplant in 1/2 lengthwise and soak in a bowl of water, any temperature fro 5 minutes. Meanwhile make the sauce.

1 TBSP miso glaze
2 tsp cooking sake
1 tsp olive oil (1/2 for sauce and 1/2 for frying pan)
Cook over medium to light heat and stir together until well blended.

Drain bowl with eggplant and slice eggplant meat in criss-crosses (make sure not to cut too deep so skin is cut). Microwave for 4-5 minutes (1000 watts vs 750 watts) and remove carefully. Divide sauce evenly amongst eggplant halves and cook face down on frying pan on medium. Only needs 1-2 minutes on stove. Remove from heat and enjoy with your favorite protein. I ate both halves which was enough vegetables and carbs (~26 carbs per eggplant) so this with Tuna was my dinner portion. I was VERY satisfied.

Let me know if you try it and any modifications you make!

Blueberry Greek Yogurt Protein bites


It sounds way healthier calling these “protein bites” (which they are), but they could double as dessert and no one would know they were good for them. Tell me if I’m wrong, but these look like blueberries covered in white chocolate. AMIRIGHT??? LOL My inspiration came from a Weight Watchers recipe, but in true WW fashion, it had unnecessary sugar. I’m a WW dropout, so I can say “been there, done that”. Wasn’t a lifestyle I could keep up with and model in front of my kids as “health"y”. Far from it actually. WW recipes might be low calorie, but they’re a shit storm of low fat, reduced fat, light, ingredients which basically means, CHEMICAL SHIT STORM. No thanks. Foodies here that wants to take control of what goes in my body!

1 cup PLAIN greek yogurt
1 TBSP honey (although I think you can omit this if using Shakeology - it’s sweet enough for me)
1 scoop vegan vanilla Shakeology (any protein powder will do, but be careful because many taste chalky so you’ll want more sugar to mask the taste…or just get Shakeology and thank me later) ***
1 c washed blueberries

Stir all ingredients together and then add blueberries. Divide into TBSP servings and freeze. Take out when ready to eat. YUMMMM! Share your comments below; can’t wait to hear how you like these!

I don’t count calories since doing Beachbody, but for those that do, I’ve calculated them for you.
Weight Watchers = 2 points
Portion Fix Containers = .5R, .5Y, .5tsp
2B Mindset “Plate-It” = good FFC to accompany with 2 eggs for your protein for brekky
calorie counters = 94 calories, 1.5g fat, 12.2g carbs, 7.7g fiber (based on 5 servings)

Paleo, GF, DF Lemon Cookies!


When I hear all those “free” words I think, “hummmm, what’s left? can these be good?” Well, let me be the one to tell you, YES. THEY. CAN. They are FODMAP approved cookies and my kids devoured them in no time flat. Don’t believe me? I made 14, and before I could get the picture of them straight from the oven, this is what happened… LOL 8 left!

3 ingredients and super easy so read this and then let your kids make them! Maybe they’ll even clean up, but that might be pushing your luck :)

1 cup almond flour
1/2 cup maple syrup (not Aunt Jemimas, get the real stuff!)
1 lemon zested
1 lemon juiced, seeds removed

Add all ingredients to a bwl and stir. Put in ziplock bag and freeze for one hour. I froze mine overnight so weather bland looking, but they tasted just as good. Use a fork to make texture marks if you want, adds flair :) Cook at 160 celsius / 350 farenheit for 8-9 minuets. Let them cool before removing from silicon sheet.

Makes 14 cookies, 116 calories each, 8g fat, 7.5 g carbs, 3.7g protein. Ultimate Portion Fix containers = 1 tsp, .5y

"Mum, you're the best cook ever!"

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I never brag so keep reading … these were the words from my 9 yr old’s mouth as he bit into these muffins all nice and warm! And because of the banana, they’re perfectly sweet with just 2 TBSP of honey! Seriously, no added sugar otherwise.

Here’s my recipe ——>
-1/2 c quick oat (I prefer Quick Oats vs Old Fashioned Oats because they don’t get as dry)
-1/2 c almond flour
-2 TBSP honey (try to always buy local - it helps with allergies)
-1/3 c CLEAN peanut / almond butter (really any nut butter will do, but know that some nut butters are more overpowering than others so consider that, esp when serving these to kids) - do not buy nut butters with added sugar or oil… why do that to yourself? Remember, we have goals we are working towards!
-1 egg
-2 large bananas, RIPE
-1 tsp vanilla
-1 tsp cinnamon
-1/2 tsp baking soda
-3 tsp cocoa
-1 c spinach (ok, hear me out on this…you’re going to have the cocoa above to mask any coloration so they won’t “see” it and you rarely ever taste spinach which is why it’s AH-MAZING to add to everything. Your kids are never the wiser and you’re just killing it softly in your kitchen! #MotherhoodIsNotForSissies
**I chose to add 6 dark chocolate chips to each muffin before they went in the oven bc…why not??!?

Yields 12 and takes 5 min to do all of this! Put all the ingredients in your blender in whatever order. Don’t you love how precise I am?!?!? haha If it' ain’t easy, AND DELICIOUS, I’m not making it. Enough said.

Put in pre-heated oven for 10 min at 375F or 10 min 175C. Next tip is crucial to your sanity. When they come out, set some aside for yourself. Or if you’re like me and omitted this step, I made 12 and when I turned around, i had 5 left so I divided them in half…literally and got 2 brekky’s out of them.

I’d love to see you serve 2.5 muffins with 2 eggs, or 8 egg whites, or 1 egg and 3 slices of lean turkey / ham rolled up, or 3/4 plain greek yogurt. That’s a pretty balanced brekky and you’ll be full till morning tea.

Enjoy and let me know how you go!

2B Mindset is live!!!


If you could do a program that fixed your emotional eating and workouts were EXTRA CREDIT, would you try it?  

No food group restrictions.  Yes, eat the bread.  Carbs are not the devil!

No measuring!  No portion control containers, no point system, no macro or calorie counting. 

NO STRESSING!  We have you covered and are launching an entire Nutrition channel and app so you'll have just as much support over this program as you do over fitness...and we have 6,000 fitness videos so that's saying a lot.  let me know if you're ready to get started and GET YOUR LIFE BACK!  

Foodies UNITE!!!  2B Mindset has LAUNCHED!  I got a "lets get started" email right away, don't delay.  And $20 off in May, but order before my challenge group starts so you're prepared. 

2B Mindset is a game changer!


Okay friends, how many of you can relate to any of these statements?

✔️ I HATE measuring my food.
✔️ I HATE counting portions.
✔️ I REALLY don't like to exercise.
✔️ Calories are my enemy.
✔️ I HATE food prep.
✔️ Did I mention that I don't want to exercise??

OUR BRAND-NEW EATING PROGRAM IS LAUNCHING ON WEDNESDAY!!! And if you answered "YES" or "HELL YES" to any of these, you will want to know more! I promise.  

I've been watching the test group results for MONTHS and I'm floored with participants that couldn't get results with any other program; this being their "ah ha" moment.  Month over month their testimonies are tearful praising Illiana for designing this program that GIVES YOU YOUR LIFE BACK!  Once they learned the 2B Mindset Principles, the pounds seemed to melt off and there is NO RESTRICTIONS.  Stop ruining from calories, carbs, whatever your nemesis is and learn how to respectfully "plate" your food in a balanced way.  And guess what...exercise is "EXTRA CREDIT," but never required. There are 22 videos that really get at the heart and soul of overeating and teach you how to WANT to manage your food intake!

If you want more info and would like to be in my 20 person TEST GROUP, email me at to save your spot!  

Seriously y'all, lets rethink about food and put the love back in the kitchen!  

Banana pancakes

Pancakes = 1R, 1P, 1TspSweet pot !Y, Rocket 1G (you can combine all these ingredients into pancakes as well and you don't notice the carbs or veggie, but use spinach not's too strong in flavor).

Pancakes = 1R, 1P, 1Tsp
Sweet pot !Y, Rocket 1G (you can combine all these ingredients into pancakes as well and you don't notice the carbs or veggie, but use spinach not's too strong in flavor).

I know I have a few versions of pancakes on my blog...banana pancakes, sweet potato pancakes, green pancakes, etc but y'all...I LOVE PANCAKES.  Like, LOVE!  My favorite are lemon pancakes my hubby makes, but they are not clean and it will cause all kinds of drool on my computer, so for now, I'm not blogging about them.  Mother's Day is coming up, it might be on my list.  Seriously though, I'm so obsessed with sweet potatoes, not sure I can leave them out of my breakfast every again as long as I live.  haha

Ok, super easy.  Grab a Ninja / Magic Bullet blender, doesn't need to be fancy and throw all these ingredients together. 

-1/2 banana
-2 eggs

Directions: blend, pour in pan sprayed with Olive Oil and cook.  Enjoy!  1 serving size and 1R & 1P.  Top with 1 tsp PB if you wish (it's still delish without it) for 1Tsp if you need / want more containers. 

I feel silly even blogging about this because it's so stinking easy.  But, after I made this I thought about sweet potatoes and spinach...they both are 2 ingredients that can do undetected in most foods (yes, spinach might change the color, but not the taste).  So, I tried it again adding in 1G of Spinach and 3 slices of previously cooked sweet potatoes (1Y) and I got the perfect post workout meal in just pancakes.  Feel free to top with PB if your containers / plan allows.  

My kids like these with just bananas and eggs, but you could throw in sliced bananas also for texture, or chocolate chips for a treat! 

These last in the fridge a few days so I usually make 2-4 days worth at a time if I have 2 over rip bananas.   Let me know what you think! 

Day 25: Legs

Whose got strong LEGS?  We do, we do!!!  Is leg day a love it or hate it deal for you? I personally love it (AFTER THE FACT EVEN MORE), because even though it’s hard it makes me feel strong. 

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BEACHBODY ON DEMAND APP: Have you tried it yet? If not, do it today and thank me later.  Or don't bother, we can agree you'll be grateful :) I love it most because I can do my workouts wherever I am, whatever time, and chose a length video that works with the limitations I have. And if I don't have wifi, I can save workouts ahead of time to view offline later.  Yes, so I'm basically saying, no excuses missing a day of 80 Day Obsession, get er done :)  All you need is your phone, tablet, computer or smart TV and you can do your workout. 

Ok, we only need weights today for 50 minutes of fun, sweat and a few lunges.  2 sets of 15 reps...ready...set...go!

Day 23: Cardio Core

My favorite pre-workout drink, or anytime I need a little extra boost during the day, since I don't drink coffee. :)

One last time for Cardio Core! Ok, for this Phase, fine, but it sounds good, doesn't it?

You’ll need your Beachbody Strength Slides and Energize to crush this 35-minute workout. 

Energize is great for helping give you that boost for your workout and is very low cal, low sugar and only caffeine in it is from green tea. It's key ingredients and phytonutrients are scientifically shown to help improve exercise performance, sharpen focus, and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue*. 

If you take Energize, how does it help you on days like this?  You should not have more than two servings a day.  People like it THAT much so I get that question often.  I have been known to drink this on long travel days to wake up (USA ---> Australia). 

2B Mindset is launching May 2nd!!

To say I'm excited about this is a major understatement!  Who wants to STOP counting calories, STOP avoiding certain food groups, STOP stressing about dining out or gaining weight on vacation???  If you said yes to any ONE of these, you will want to join me May 2nd and change your lifestyle FOREVER!!  

We are going to learn how to eat whatever we want, whenever we want and the food groups that work best for us might shift from what we expect.  I just cannot wait!  The transformation stories are so inspiring and I've seen all ages, brand new nursing moms, etc make this work for them and lose the weight they just couldn't before and in a safe, longterm manner. Most said you wouldn't even know they were doing any program by the way they ate and their food triggers were a thing of the past. HELLO!!! Over here please! #EmotionalEater #AnyAndAllEmotions

2B Mindset was created by Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Ilana Muhlstein, and it's a practical, simple weight loss solution that Ilana herself used to lose 100 pounds after years of obesity and yo-yo dieting. With Ilana’s advice and real-world experience including her meal and food prep ideas, even tips for conquering emotional eating-you’ll have all the tools you need to live your life, eat food you love…and still lose weight. This is launching in just 4 WEEKS!!!

“Do you feel like dieting is a constant war between your desire to get the lean, healthy body you want…and eating the food you actually enjoy? I know EXACTLY how that feels. Because I used to be 100 pounds heavier. Until it finally hit me that what “diet” really means is deprivation. That was when I realized that any eating program based on deprivation would never work for me.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Ilana Muhlstein. I was 8 years old when my doctor told me I needed to go on a diet. Not knowing what to do, my parents sent me to a weight-loss camp (“FAT CAMP”) every summer.  I’d lose weight, then …

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Ilana Muhlstein. I was 8 years old when my doctor told me I needed to go on a diet. Not knowing what to do, my parents sent me to a weight-loss camp (“FAT CAMP”) every summer.  I’d lose weight, then gain it all back when I returned to school in the fall. I yo-yo dieted through my childhood and teen years, until at my heaviest, I weighed 215 pounds and wore a size 20. Talk about devastating patterns. 

You see, I’ve always loved food and I love to eat large portions. What I needed was a diet that would let me eat and feel satisfied, while still helping me lose weight. There was no diet on the market like that…so I decided to create it myself. I not only invented a solution to solve my own weight problem, so I could lose 100 lbs, I made it my career as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist—so I could help anyone lose weight happily and learn how to keep it off for good—with a healthy approach to eating that lets you feel full and satisfied, while arming you with proven strategies that will help you co-exist with food in real-world situations, satisfy cravings, and anticipate setbacks before they happen — so you can WIN the weight-loss struggle every single time.

That’s why I say it’s not a diet. It’s a mindset.


Who should consider 2B Mindset?

  • Those wanting to lose weight and keep it off for good!
  • Those frustrated with the deprivation of traditional diets.
  • Those overwhelmed with all the weight-loss products out there and in need of something that really works in a healthy way.
  • Those challenged by junk-food cravings or a sweet tooth (H-E-L-L-O!! MEEEEEE).
  • Those for whom other diets have not been successful in the past (we are going to change that).

Day 2: Booty Day

Booty day! My favorite day…and a body part that can use some focused attention :) 

This workout is just a little under 60 minutes and uses our Beachbody loops, a mat, and a chair for balance if you're modifying. We do a lot of this on the floor, but don't be fooled, we are NOT RESTING!  We are going to feel the burn in the best possible way and be earning some major booty gains!  Watch this video if you need a reminder of what equipment is required throughout the program.  If you want a second set, add it to your Shakeology order so you only pay $20 extra instead of $60 when you buy it separately!  I'm all about saving money where I can!