
Cocoa Nut Butter Protein Balls


These are sooo easy and can be modified however you want if there are allergies!

- 5 cup QUICK oats (old fashioned requires more sweetener IMO)

- 1 cup any Creamy nut 🥜 butter (just make sure it’s clean and there’s no added sugar or oil)

Yogurt, Shakeology powder, loose granola on top!  1.5R, 2Y, 2 tsp

Yogurt, Shakeology powder, loose granola on top! 1.5R, 2Y, 2 tsp

- ¾ cup sweetener of choice (I combined local Honey🍯 and Pure Maple Syrup)

- ½ cup cocoa

- 2 scoops / packets Shakeology (any flavor and either whey or vegan will do)

** if for a kids’ class, you could switch 1 cup of Oats with 1 cup Rice Krispies for a crunch

**other modifications can be diced cranberries, nuts, coconut or chocolate chips. These will require more sweetener to make it sticky enough to hold, so instead swap out ½ cup Oats for these modifications.

1. Mix together with a mixer or you’ll get an arm workout too. It doesn’t matter which order you add ingredients, I mix once all are in the bowl.
2. Roll into balls (24-30), or put in a 13x9 pan and make bars (yields ~20-22 bars depending on thickness).

Serve with plain greek yogurt for breakfast (see above) with 2 - 3 balls (these are sweet enough so you don’t need a sweetened yogurt like Vanilla, and then you forgo the additives that aren’t great for you anyways). You can also put additional Shakeology in your yogurt and stir together before topping with loose granola, or crumble a few balls.

For lunch these can be a healthy carb (2-3 balls), or for snack (kids 4-5 balls, adults 2). These are heavier than my 21-Day Fix Granola Balls so I limit these to heavy fitness days like training, or days I work out for longer than 40 minutes.

Let me know how you like them! I find them very kid friendly!

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Brownies

You're welcome. :) A non-clean recipe that will make your mouth water just by reading it I'm sure!  This might just be THE Valentine's Recipe that wins your date's heart!  

I like to take shortcuts here I can and when it won' the noticed and change the results.  So, I start with Ghiradelli Triple Chocolate Brownies.  For this you just need 1 egg, ⅓ c vegetable oil and ⅓ c water.  I modify this and encourage you to do the same; YOU WILL NOT NOTICE!  Instead of ⅓ c vegetable oil I do 1/2 unsweetened applesauce and 1/2 olive oil. literally pour both in the same ⅓ cup so it's whatever portion you want.  You could even do ⅔ of it applesauce and less oil.  This is plenty rich that you won't notice and I personally prefer brownies less oily.  Bake as instructed on the box and set aside to cool. (Instead of spraying the pan, I line it with aluminum foil or parchment paper so the brownies come out seamlessly, but DO NOT life out till they've completely cooled or they'll crack / break).

While this is cooking you can start making the peanut butter cookie dough. 

1/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1/2 cup clean creamy peanut butter (why add oils and sugars you don't need)
1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix together and spread on top of COOLED brownies. There are no eggs in this cookie dough so if some jumps in your mouth, you're all good :) WHEW, that might have happened to me!

Now it's time to make the fudge topping.  When I made it, I had no cream so it was a little watery and messy.  I had low fat 1% milk which was not ideal, but still tasted AMAZING! 

3/4 cup bittersweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 tablespoon granulated white sugar

Microwave these ingredients together for 30 seconds at a time so you don't burn the chocolate.  Not only would that be a sin, it is so hard to clean up and wasted chocolate.  I'm just not ok with that, so if it happens, don't tell me! Lets agree on that :)

**If it's more watery than you'd like, add more chocolate chips, but you won't need more richness so try to use cream and this turns out perfect!

Yuuuummmmyyyyy!  These are really delightful!  And they freeze well.  This portion on the plate was good for 4 boys, 2 dads and 2 moms.  It's 13 in total and I froze the rest because my husband's rule is I can't give ALL baked goods away.  He wants to have some the next night too.   My goal is always to GIVE ALL OF IT AWAY because I work from home and DO NOT want to get caught eating the other 3 we had left over :/

Strong is the new sexy!

Look at the two beautiful women, Rebecca & Tamara. They were perfect already; both amazing, busy moms with too much on their plate to add one-more-thing! It's ok to want more though and put yourself first! They both knew they wanted a change and believed in themselves enough to take the plunge! 21 days is long enough to break any habits / lifestyle you've become accustomed to and discover a new you!! 

I'd rather my kids get 95% of "me" and be focused, energized, happy, than them get 100% of the warn down, exhausted, unhealthy and depressed version of "me". 

Think about it...what makes you the best version of yourself?? Is it when your clothes fit and you're more confident? Is it eating clean so your body doesn't crash at 2pm and snack or need a nap? Having enough energy to chase your kids / grandkids or play tag? You can so all those things and IT'S OK TO WANT TO BE BETTER!! Don't feel guilty!

I'm most proud of myself on days that I exercise 30 min (2% of the day y'all), eat clean and spend quality family time. That's a good day for me!! We have one more round of 21-Day Fix before SHIFT SHOP IS RELEASED with all new meal plans. Start now. Don't wait. And don't do it for the bikini; do it for YOU!! We start June 26!!! Order now so you get everything in time and can ask any questions you have!

 Tamara & Rebecca I couldn't be more proud of your transformations. And I know you're still going because results and feeling amazing is addicting. You both inspire me and I'm cheering you on 100%, as you do the same for me. Strong is the new sexy!!