
Strawberry Watermelon Shakeology!

Strawberry Watermelon Shakeology.png

There’s something about watermelon that just says summer and simple. This is the perfect way to add smooth summer vibes to your day!

* ½ cup water
* ½ cup cubed watermelon
* 1 cup ice
* 1 scoop Strawberry Shakeology
* 2 tbsp chopped fresh mint

Place water, watermelon, Shakeology, mint, and ice in a blender; cover and blend until smooth.

Portion Fix Containers: ½ Purple, 1 Red
2B Mindset Plate It: A great snackional or enjoy as part of breakfast!

Egg White Pizza tutorial

I make these 2 at a time so I can eat one fresh and have one to look forward to the next day.  When you love something this much and it’s dense nutrition, you don’t mind leftovers.  And that’s how I survive motherhood right now. #dontjudge

I make these 2 at a time so I can eat one fresh and have one to look forward to the next day. When you love something this much and it’s dense nutrition, you don’t mind leftovers. And that’s how I survive motherhood right now. #dontjudge

Step 1 (this is 6 egg whites, flipped once, 1 TBSP pizza sauce

Step 1 (this is 6 egg whites, flipped once, 1 TBSP pizza sauce

Step 2 - that’s 1 slice of ham in slivers

Step 2 - that’s 1 slice of ham in slivers

I found a rendition of this on Iliana Mulestein’s Instagram page and have played with this till I borderline perfected it (to me at least) and I have this at least 3 days a week for lunch or dinner. My kids have watched me eat it and inquired if they could “try it” (afraid to commit to a whole serving LOL) and now they love it too. See if it’s a crowd pleaser in your house!

The key is to use a small enough pan (6-8” at most) so it’s thick enough to hold a “slice” to eat. If the pan is too big it’ll fall apart, but if that happens, call an audible and make a delicious scramble instead. It’s not going to be a wasted meal!

I do 1 of 2 recipes… 1) 8 egg whites for vegetarian pizza, or 2) 6 egg whites with 1-2 slices of ham or prosciutto. 1 TBSP clean pizza sauce is plenty. Then chose whatever veggies you want to add. I like to put these on once I flip the pizza so they get warm, but not wilted or cooked too much. Did you know when you cook vegetables that you lose a lot of nutrients? And it’s not necessary. My go-to are arugula (aka Rocket in Australia), red peppers (healthiest choice of pepper and has the most calcium) and sometimes if I’m low on veggies for the day I’ll add mushrooms too (but I’ll cook those because raw is #yuck). Bust out those containers because cheese is hard to eye ball! Use 1 blue container of your preferred cheese 🧀 as long as you haven’t already enjoyed cheese or avocado 🥑 that day, as the very last step.
This was my dinner while family had frozen bacon & cheese pizza from grocery store. I love pizza y’all but honestly, this was damn good, I was very full and I didn’t feel like I missed out at all. You should enjoy what you eat, but you also want to remember it’s food and food provides fuel for your body. A recent video with Shaun T really impacted me when he said “talk to your food and ask it, what are you going to do for me?” When you think of it like that, the brownie or white flour pizza, doesn’t look so appealing, amiright?

Step 3 (from tutorial above) serve & slice into 4 pieces.

Step 3 (from tutorial above) serve & slice into 4 pieces.

Containers simplified!

Vegan Vanilla Shakeology (1R) + ⅓ cup water stirred, blueberries (1P) on top

Vegan Vanilla Shakeology (1R) + ⅓ cup water stirred, blueberries (1P) on top

Let’s talk about these containers and see if I can simplify them. I know so many see all the colors and think… how will I know how much to eat, how much of each food group I need, how much more to I need if I do intense exercise, or don’t exercise at all? Or what if I’m nursing and need extra calories for the baby and I? I’ve got you covered and can help you know with all these questions! It takes 21 days to start a new habit and make it stick and by 30 days, your body will be craving it!!!

I started with containers 3 years ago and have never looked back, and still use them daily. If I don’t measure cheese for example, I could eat a whole block and call it 1 serving. The more I like something, the more tempting it is to just keep eating and eating and then regret it the next day when I’m bloated, low energy for my kids or workout, or clothes are feeling tight. It' feels amazing to wake up feeling proud of your choices and feeling good.

This one-pot-wonder is a hodgepodge of ingredients I had in my fridge which a client actually inspired me to make. It’s clean 6 chicken sausages, 4 medium sized zucchini, 6 portobello mushrooms, served over cauliflower rice (for me) and fried rice (for my kids). You can add onions and garlic too which would taste amazing, but those don’t sit well with my stomach :( I used Italian Seasoning and it was amazing. This served a family of 4 for 2 nts and 1 more lunch for myself and the whole thing was under $15! My plate on right is 1 red and 2 greens. If you’re doing 1B Mindset you’d want a few more veggies so your ratios are 25% protein and 75% veggies (#veggiemost), and make sure to drink 16 oz water (#waterfirst).

Let me know if you try this and what you think!


Ultimate Portion Fix is coming March 18th!!!

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Anyone remember these that we introduced FIVE YEARS AGO? They may still be hanging around in your container drawer from years ago getting worn out, or sitting there bored, just collecting dust. Or maybe your kids hi-jacked them for their play kitchens or to build towers? Well, consider this your sign to dust them off, and get ready for a new, fresh take on them - 2019 upgraded style! Their latest makeover features: 

—> New videos covering topics most of us can relate to: sugar addiction, emotional eating, binge eating, etc.
—> New nutrition concepts 
—> New recipes / Ideas for kids - happy kids & easy eaters is a mom’s dream!
—> New streaming workouts for 2 programs that revolutionized Beachbody
—> Tracking app

I have a FREE informational group going on NOW showing how we will use the container system, break past mental barriers, break sugar addiction and figure out which eating plan is right for you. We'll talk about how to make healthy eating a sustainable lifestyle for the ENTIRE family. JOIN HERE!!!

March 18th when this program is launched for purchase, you can be one of the first to join my FREE ACCOUNTABILITY TEST GROUP and start laying a strong foundation for improving your nutrition. Then we will add in the new upgraded workouts starting April 1st.

Lets celebrate the 5 yr anniversary and eat correct portions, macros best suited for our body and metabolism, have freedom back in our life within those food groups, and stop counting calories FOREVER!

Lets take back the kitchen and make this simple and easy, yet still delicious! Join me now for free!!!