
BBQ Chicken Salad

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Anyone else love a good salad for lunch?! 🥗 This one is pretty simple to throw together and you can substitute any of the veggies for whatever you have at home! BBQ Chicken Salad with Roasted Chickpeas


* 1 tbsp vinaigrette dressing
* 1 tbsp water
* 2 cups chopped lettuce
* ¾ cup chopped chicken breast (grilled or baked) ½ cup hearts of palm, chopped
* ½ cup sliced cucumber
* ½ cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half
* ½ cup BBQ roasted chickpeas (see the note at the bottom for how to prep these)

1) Combine dressing and water in a slow bowl; whisk to blend. Set aside.
2) Combine lettuce, chicken, hearts of palm, cucumber, and tomatoes in a large serving bowl; toss gently to blend.
3) Drizzle with dressing and toss gently to blend. Top with chickpeas and serve!

BBQ chickpeas:
Preheat oven to 425º F. Drain and rinse 1 (15-oz.) can of chickpeas. Combine chickpeas with 2 tbsp BBQ sauce. Spread on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, or until brown and crunchy!

Makes 1 serving.

Portion Fix Containers: 2.5 green, 1 red, ½ yellow, 1 orange
2B Mindset Plate-It: A great lunch option!

What is your favorite salad recipe?

10 Minute abs on Stability Ball

Don’t be intimidated by Stability Balls. They are a great modality to take your workout up a notch and you’ll increase balance and stability at the same time as working your core. Who doesn’t love multi-tasking in the gym!!??! If you can do over a 2 minute plank, it’s worth going out and buying one of these because you’re wasting time on the floor in ISO prone plank position, when you could be challenging yourself more in the same time, or even half! Trust me, you’ll feel it.

My personal challenge to you — try this today and keep at it for 30 days. Then try it again and see how much strength you’ve gained in your core. I’d take pictures too, if you’re planking every day, there’s going to be some visible changes :)

Physical therapy isn't easy, but it works!

Leg Extensions - 50 each side, twice (200 total)

Leg Extensions - 50 each side, twice (200 total)

In January 2020 I injured my achilles skiing in Japan. By the time we returned to Australia, Covid was in full effect and treatment options didn’t feel safe. I know this won’t require surgery, but it will require lots of rehab, time and dedication to get better. It’s amazing how quick doctors are to operate when quite often, a good trainer and give you the exercises and stretches to keep you away from the knife! That his it’s own recovery time, plus medication we don’t want to expose our bodies to if we can help it.

To make matters worse (and more exciting), we then learned all four of us had parasites, likely from the water in Singapore. B U M M E R! We all took very strong medication for 6-8 weeks to kill the bugs, but during all this, my achilles got put on the back burner. Fast forward a few months and Covid is sort-of under control and we are parasite free, I’m finally getting treatment!

It is soooo hard to “unlearn” a habit. Whether it’s related to nutrition, fitness, things you say or do, etc; your brain is used to a certain way of doing things. But, that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. This is just one of the 6 exercises I do to work on my quad strength and am back to squatting low and lifting heavy.

I’m excited to be able to help clients work on compensations, posture issues, flexibility constraints, and more! Assessments are a great starting place so you can experience the same JOY I have been fortunate to experience, in being healed.

Shift Shop Proving Ground launches Oct 22!

Yall, you want to watch this video. YOU DO! I love that the modifier in here is a coach friend of mine, a plus size model, a super successful woman and has a goal of losing over 100 lbs. And she knows it’s not easy, but her arse is not going to give up or cheat. Believe me, I know her and she has willpower like I’ve never seen!

Shift Shop is a “bootcamp-like” workout and It's pretty rad and more "bootcamp-ish" which is fun. I love to do this outside in the yard or on my patio and my kids LOVE joining in! I was fortunate to be in the Elite Coach Test Group when the original program launched last May and now the super motivating, Chris Downing has added 4 new videos. We are going to re-shuffle it all so be ready to shock your body and lean it out, build it up and start from the inside out!

The other exciting part is Chris’s meal plan works well with Whole30, Keto and Paleo diets because it’s low carbs (week 3 is no grains all together) and it is delicious! It’s one of my top favorite plans so far! Check out my Shift Shop approved recipes here!

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Day 17: Cardio Core

Check out this video of Autumn’s favorite pre- and post-workout snack. Just make sure the recipes will work with your personal Meal Plan before you make them!


Great pre-workout meal and 1R, 1G, 1Y and top it with PB for 1 tsp

Great pre-workout meal and 1R, 1G, 1Y and top it with PB for 1 tsp

My favorite thing about Cardio Core is that it's only 35 minutes (don't get used to this, in the next two phases it gets longer!). Drink your Beachbody Performance Energize, get your Beachbody Strength Slides, and get ready to press play!

NUTRITION TALK: How are you doing with the Timed-Nutrition? What challenges are you having, if any? Let’s share some ideas about our favorite meal combinations and help each other out!

Also, now that you’ve been eating this way for 17 days, you’ve probably got a good rhythm, or getting bored. Check out Autumn’s cooking show FIXATE on Beachbody On Demand for some recipe ideas.  It's free to use and a great resource!  I love taking Fixate desserts to parties, no one is the wiser!  Check out 80 Day Obsession Approved recipes HERE and try this one! I love adding vanilla Shakeology to it for a little sweetness that's approved :)