
2 Ingredient Ice Cream

Ice cream can be a treat, and be delicious and be on the plan.  It is possible and add to that list, it can trick your kids.  By that I mean...this ice cream which is bananas and peanut butter is a favorite in my household.  And my household consists of two boys that HATE bananas, but they will eat this in 30 seconds flat and take down a Shakeology with banana blended in it like NOBODY'S BUSINESS.  Try it.  And feel free to laugh at overheating my blender.  Since I made this video, I slice my bananas up before freezing them so this hasn't happened again. But, my Au Pair and I got a great laugh from the video :) 

Dirt & Worm Bars

You guys...MAKE THESE!!!  This is all the things we don't encourage on 21 Day Fix, but they are all the things kids want...oreos and marshmellows and gummy worms.  What's not to love?!?!  And the best part is that these ingredients don't tempt me AT ALL so I can make these and own that I have no willpower and still not get derailed!  YES!!!  

The ingredients are in the picture below.  These literally take 5 minutes to make, from start to finish.  Dump all your Oreos in a gallon ziplock bag and SEAL!  Do not forget this step or you will hate me when you have Oreos all over your kitchen!  Hand the bag off to your kids and put them to work ;)  We use a meat pounder and play hot potato, but you can do whatever.  Then melt the butter and marshmellows in the microwave for 30 second intervals so they don't burn over blow up.  Another direction to follow because believe me, that is messy as heck to clean up! 

Combine your melted butter, marshmellows and Oreos together and pour into a greased 8x8 pan and put in the fridge.  Once they're cooled and you can easily cut, slice into 16-24 depending on portion sizes you want and put a gummy worm on top!  ENJOY!!!  

PS - these are not just for kids.  Grown ups love them and I've found dad's devour them!

FREE CONE DAY!!! April 10th!


You are welcome for saving you $5.75 a cone!  Isn't that crazy?  While you're paying for it, YES, but while you're eating it, you're like...oh sweet friend, you are so worth it all!  Ok, maybe that's just me.  Sorry not sorry.  My favorites...A Cookie Affair, Brownie Batter, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Fudge Brownie (I've eaten an entire pint by myself WHILE DOING TAXES before.  Don't eat ice cream and do taxes, JUST. DON'T), The Tonight Dough, Strawberry Cheesecake (and I don't like fruity ice cream - this is the ONLY strawberry cheesecake ice cream  I will eat).  Who ever hear of a picky ice cream eater?  ME!!! RIGHT HERE! If I'm going to eat the calories, I want them to be yummy and worth it.  Like VG's, Leucadia or Krispy Kreme donuts.  I WILL NOT eat any others.  You won't even tempt me, but those...I might eat till I'm sick. True story. #notproud

But, heres the kicker with all of those scrumptious flavors...they have dairy!!!  I know you're thinking...DUH!  Well, I know these things and when I have no willpower, I eat them anyways and then I, and those around me (who are usually the ones I love most) pay the price.  

But guess what this wonderful company did...the designed 4 flavors that are made with Almond Milk.  YESSSSSS!  And I tasted one yesterday, the Peanut Butter & Cookies and it's legit good y'all.  You wouldn't even know except that after I eat it, everyone is happy and stays happy.  No tummy ache at all and no bloat so right back to the beach in my bikini and didn't miss a beat.  

You need to try these on April 10th!  Yes, I teach clean eating, yes I believe it's important, yes I also believe that you can't deprive yourself of things or then you binge. I'm not saying go all week.  Go on the 10th, save some money, treat yourself and on the 11th resume daily self control.  We can't have it all the time ;) 


Paleo Creme Eggs

OH MY WORD, AMIRIGHT???? I have got to have theseโ€ฆ

For the chocolate shells:
150g cacao solids (a.k.a. cacao liquor/paste)
150g cacao butter
4.5 tbsp raw honey or maple syrup
ยผ tsp vanilla powder (optional)

For the white creme filling:
25g cacao butter
80ml coconut cream
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp cashew butter (or coconut manna/oil)
1 tbsp vanilla extract

For the yolk creme filling:
4 tbsp of the white creme filling
ยฝ tsp maca powder
ยฝ tsp ground turmeric

Directions can be found HERE.

Gelato and wine

Barramundi with pumpkin purรฉe, fennel, lemon, sprouts

miso glazed salmon, radish, mushroom, tofu salad over rice noodles

miso glazed salmon, radish, mushroom, tofu salad over rice noodles

I'd like to say that the gelato my splurge for the day, but I think dinner and wine were too!! So de-lici-ous!!!

Count them - 3 dessert stops ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฎโ˜•๏ธ Gelato, Ben & Jerry's (because we couldn't all agree) and then a coffee shop.  Thank goodness Shaun T has my number tomorrow. ๐Ÿค— Insanity Max 30, here I come. Then another pool & beach day because it's too gorgeous to go home!

21-Day Fix starting JUNE 26!!!

Did you know the recommended daily intake for women is only 24 g and for men it's 36 g. YIKES?!?! You'd be amazed how quickly you can reach these levels without even picking up a dessert, candy, or soda! Yogurt, granola and celeral is the biggest culprit in our house. 

Check this out, but here are a few key things I'd like to point out:
๐Ÿ‘Ž Sugar may to blame for your lack of energy and headaches
๐Ÿ‘Ž If you have 2 sodas/day, you are pretty much done with your sugar intake for the day! 
๐Ÿ‘Ž Most people consume their daily sugar intake during breakfast!
๐Ÿ‘Ž Low fat and low calorie often means, more sugar and processed!
๐Ÿ‘Ž It's everywhere! Check labels on pasta sauce, breads, drinks, yogurts, etc.

My next 21-Day Fix group starts on Monday and we are doing a speed round for quick results....21 days and then we will launch SHIFT SHOP!!! Who is ready to get their fitness up and weight down and burn this sugar off?!??! I know I need to after this vacation and I still have 3 more weeks!  

Chose reasons bigger than bikinis. What about your health, your energy for your kids / grandkids, feeling more confident and having your clothes fit again. Seriously when I started this, it was either buy new clothes or spend money on this...i chose FIT over FAT. the only difference is "I".

Join me today! we will start tomorrow with a week of tips and then start on Monday!

Cadbury Chocolate factory

Ok. This post is NOT. ABOUT. CLEAN. EATING. It's all about CHOCOLATE!! Such a fun experience touring the Cadbury chocolate factory in NZ (which is closing in Jan 2018 - so go while you can). 


1) Cadbury has 8 factories in the world and they all use local milk so no chocolate bars will taste the same. New Zealand & Australia don't export their chocolates. 
2) you can smell amazing chocolate for a full hour. I wonder if Heaven will be like that?? I bet ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป
3) no pictures or holding your child during the tour because an American dropped their child into the factory and ruined it for everyone.
4) you each got a shot glass to fill up with chocolate from a spout. White, milk, dark. Might have been the most amazing dangerous thing ever. Then, they had a topping bar. I grabbed bananas for mine to, you know, be healthy. LOL. No pics to prove it since no cameras allowed. ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผ๐Ÿค—

This was the bag of chocolates they passed our AFTER we all had sampled about 8 bars and gave away 5 bars to friends.  It is crazy!  The rest of these will be given away or all my money will go to the dentist for fillings!  

End of summer party treats!


True story (why do I always feel the need to say that?? it's so annoying, but for some reason I think no one believes me, that KIDS DIG SHAKEOLOGY!!!) For regular meals I enforce the motto, "eat it or starve" but not with shakeology because I am not in the business of giving it away. If they fight or tattle (insert loud sigh and eye roll) NO ONE gets Shakeology...but ME :) 

Anyhow, back to this post...If you've been following me on Facebook, you know I throw a bus stop party the last weekday before any holiday, and on any kids birthday on our street. That's how we build community with our Grace Table from the church. I made this Shakeology Brownie Batter snack the other day and Tyler asked if I could serve this at the bus stop for our going away party (yes, we are throwing ourselves an "end of 2nd grade and Vinings leaving for the summer" party :) ) I had to die laughing. I don't think I'm cheap, but I'm not serving this to 10-12 kids :( I know "sharing is caring" and stuff, but this is ALL MINE :) 

Instead, I'll serve my 21-day fix pumpkin muffins which I've seen challengers serve as birthday cupcakes for their kids parties, Mom's Nights Out and holiday celebrations. How awesome that it's one of our breakfast staples that fills so many different needs. I can't wait, and I'd be lying if I didn't wish it was tomorrow, just so I can have one now. hereโ€™s the recipe!