
Blueberry Greek Yogurt Protein bites


It sounds way healthier calling these “protein bites” (which they are), but they could double as dessert and no one would know they were good for them. Tell me if I’m wrong, but these look like blueberries covered in white chocolate. AMIRIGHT??? LOL My inspiration came from a Weight Watchers recipe, but in true WW fashion, it had unnecessary sugar. I’m a WW dropout, so I can say “been there, done that”. Wasn’t a lifestyle I could keep up with and model in front of my kids as “health"y”. Far from it actually. WW recipes might be low calorie, but they’re a shit storm of low fat, reduced fat, light, ingredients which basically means, CHEMICAL SHIT STORM. No thanks. Foodies here that wants to take control of what goes in my body!

1 cup PLAIN greek yogurt
1 TBSP honey (although I think you can omit this if using Shakeology - it’s sweet enough for me)
1 scoop vegan vanilla Shakeology (any protein powder will do, but be careful because many taste chalky so you’ll want more sugar to mask the taste…or just get Shakeology and thank me later) ***
1 c washed blueberries

Stir all ingredients together and then add blueberries. Divide into TBSP servings and freeze. Take out when ready to eat. YUMMMM! Share your comments below; can’t wait to hear how you like these!

I don’t count calories since doing Beachbody, but for those that do, I’ve calculated them for you.
Weight Watchers = 2 points
Portion Fix Containers = .5R, .5Y, .5tsp
2B Mindset “Plate-It” = good FFC to accompany with 2 eggs for your protein for brekky
calorie counters = 94 calories, 1.5g fat, 12.2g carbs, 7.7g fiber (based on 5 servings)

Day 36: Leg Day

Legs…and the day after Refeed Day.  How are you feeling after Refeed Day? Do you notice a difference in your energy? How did you like eating more carbs? Does your body look any different today?

We have Legs today for 40 minutes (love that it's less) and we will use weights, Beachbody Strength Slides, mat and a chair (if modifying). Remember  2 things today as you workout (1) we are doing 3 sets of 10 reps so you can usually push harder and lift more on these days and (2) legs are the biggest muscle so they can handle much more weight.  Don't be afraid to bulk up; that won't happen on this program. 

Photo Apr 07, 6 42 48 AM.jpg

I want to chat about expectations for Refeed Day. As you know, the purpose is to refuel your body and give you a little break, mentally and physically. You may see some people showing off a sudden six-pack, or bragging about how much energy they have. If you don’t have the same results, don’t worry! This Refeed Day is a chance for you to see how your body reacts and what works for you. Pay attention to how you look and feel. You can always choose different foods next Refeed Day and see if you notice a difference. Don’t get discouraged by other people’s results—just focus on you!  My favorite quote is "Comparison is the thief of joy!" - CS Lewis

Day 20: Cardio Flow

Spider Pushups - one of the many fun animals you encounter at The ZOO aka Cardio Flow

Spider Pushups - one of the many fun animals you encounter at The ZOO aka Cardio Flow

Cardio Flow for great Saturday vibes and a great sweaty session.  Believe me, when you sweat like this, you won't WANT to get derailed from your plan because you just worked for hard for results!

I love that it’s only 30 minutes—perfect for crazy busy weekends and my kids think it's so fun so usually they'll join me!  Do you love that or does it annoy you?  I have days where I want space, but mostly I love it because the are seeing me live life, not just hearing me tell them diet and exercise are important.  Do as I do, not as I say, right? 

Speaking of weekends, do you find it hard to stay on plan? Remind yourself that food doesn’t equal fun. The fun is in seeing family or friends and the time together is what you'll remember and talk about, not the appetizers or dessert. Food is just fuel and helps me be a better, happier person.  When I look at it that way, staying on track is a no-brainer. What are some of the ways you stick to your plan on the weekends? 

Day 15: Total Body Core

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It's that time again, 60 min of sweat and hard work.  Grab your weights, Beachbody Resistance Loops, and a mat as we move to 3 sets of 10 reps this week.  You might be able to lift a little heavier since we do less reps, but we will also repeat the set of exercise before moving on to the next so there will be a different, harder, kind of burn, but it also makes it go by faster.  Anyone else counting down their workouts?  I'm like... ok 1/4 done... 1/3 done... 3/5 done... haha.  Challenge yourself because you can always lower your weights if necessary, but track them so you know where you left off next week. 

Day 13: Cardio Flow

My little cutie and my favorite shakeo recipe.

My little cutie and my favorite shakeo recipe.

Back to Cardio Flow today!  Who's excited???  It’s only 30 minutes, so give it all you’ve got then go have a fun, active weekend! You know the moves and know what to expect so I like to turn Autumn down and crank the music up!  If you still need her cues, then listen up! Form is always most important!

Do you know how to integrate Shakeology into your meal plan? Timed-Nutrition takes dedication, so it’s great to know that at least one of my meals — the one I fill with Shakeology— is going to be super-easy, and delicious.  On crazy busy days, I drink two.  I'll have one as a post workout meal (I add spinach to get my veggies in) and then for “Meal #1”. I mix: 1 scoop vegan vanilla or vegan chocolate, 1 purple of berries, 1 C unsweetened almond milk and 1 C ice. Thats 1 red, 1 purple, 1 tsp. ENJOY!

Daily Sunshine is here!!!

Samples of Daily Sunshine are finally IN! This is the new shake for kids! It's a 3-in-1 cup-o-yumminess 🙌🏻👅

What does it contain??
#1. Fruits and vegetables
#2. Organic pea protein
#3. Healthy fats

It covers the building blocks of nutrition that kids need every day- whole-food based carbs from veggies and fruit, protein, and healthy fats!

TWO FLAVORS which are both GF, soy free, casein free, and dairy free: Chocolate and Strawberry-Banana! Let me know which you'd like!  Side effects may be feeling awesome and like you're winning this parenting thing for the day!!