
Help chose my business logo; vote below!!

So, I did a thing!! I got Certified as a Personal Trainer with NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and am starting my own business focusing on nutrition (also got certified with NASM as a Nutrition Coach) and fitness. Not just fitness though, doing functional assessments (via Zoom thanks to Covid) so we can create your training program around muscles that are short and overactive; thus need to be stretched, and muscles that are long and underactive; therefore, need to be strengthened. No one program suits everyone! I’m loving this because my first four clients are already seeing weight loss and strength gains which his a double W I N !!!

My business name is following my Instagram Handle (@eatsweatpray) so Eat. Sweat. Pray Fitness. These are transparent so they can be placed on trucker hats, muscle t’s and documents / letterhead. I’d love your opinion. The ones in teal would remain that way, the ones in all black could be changed to teal writing or design so just go with design you like best. Maybe top 2?

Thanks for voting! I’ll choose a random comment to send a Herb Stripper to as a thank you! See what it is here! The kids use ours every week!

BEACHBAR snack bars ARE HERE!!!

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Do you love snack bars like my family does?  They are SUPER convenient and a filling snack, so often we find ourselves grabbing one as we run out the door to soccer, beach, run errands, etc.  Since I'm allergic to coconut, my options are very limited, but for my kids, I usually buy RX bars, Kind bars, Larabars or Clif Bars (FYI - I've found the kids version to be the same as the adult version.  It's just more expensive when you say it's specialized for "kids" - smart marketing ;) ) 

But, y'all, they are LOADED with hidden sugars and definitely aren’t considered whole foods or clean eating. I’m stoked Beachbody is launching their OWN line of nutrition bars, called the BEACHBAR!!  YAYYYYYY!!  They are packed with 10 grams and protein, only 150 calories, no artificial flavors or preservatives, and they’re gluten-free.

BEACHBARs will be offered in two flavors: Peanut Butter Chocolate and Chocolate Cherry Almond. And my customers are most excited that they work with our Portion Fix containers - .5 R, .5 Y, 1 tsp.  I am way to excited about these and I'm not the only one. I bet these will sell out in the first month!!

BEACHBARs are a crunchy, chewy snack bar that is protein dense, fruit base packed with nut pieces, nut butters, real chocolate chips, and whey protein crisps – but only 5-6g of sugar per bar. That means they have a better protein-to-sugar ration that most other leading snack bars! Whoo-hoo!! 

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--Nut Butters
 – protein, fiber, and adds a creamy texture
--Dried Cherries – dietary fiber & phytonutrients
--Whey and Pea Protein Crisps – 9 of the essential amino acids
--Real Chocolate Chips – phytinutrients known as flavonoids, but y'all...CHOCOLATE (need I say more about this???)
--Diced Peanuts & Almonds – beneficial monounsaturated fats, protein, and fiber
--Pomegranate Juice – tart, fruity sweetness

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Who will enjoy BEACHBARs?

  • People with a busy lifestyle, eat on the go, have lots of surprises in their day and find they might skip meals
  • People who want more protein and fiber in their diet, while reducing their sugar intake
  • People who are GF, have a sweet tooth, snack between meals, or follow the Portion Fix nutrition plan

Do ANY of these sound like you? I can relate to almost all of them except that I don't eat GF.  Beginning of April, you can order these, so let me know now which flavors you want to try and I'll place a pre-order as soon as they launch! Each box contains 15 bars and you will be able to purchase bundles of 1, 2, or 3 boxes through ME!  As long as we are connected, they'll be linked you your customer account and I'll remain your coach and accountability leader.  

Homemade Sweet Potato Chips!

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Ok, let me start by saying this...I don't do fancy and I don't do hard.  But when you can find something easy, that looks fancy...well so be it!!!!  As my college professor used to say, "I"ll buy that!"  :)  

If you've never made sweet potatoes "chips" before, please try them tomorrow.  I got a bag of sweet potatoes at Costco because they are so expensive here in Brisbane and they stay good for a while so it seemed smart.  Another tip, use a better slicer than what I used below.  I was pretty close to losing a finger with every slice and thankful I finished this with all 10 fingers.  ha!  

Slice 2-3 small, or 1-2 large, sweet potatoes very thin. Try to be consistent with thickness so the thins ones don't burn and the large ones get soggy.  Put them all in a bowl and mix with whatever seasonings you like.  They absorb the flavor really well, so have fun with it. I've made these a few times now and tried garlic, salt, pepper the first time and Italian seasoning the second. Both were equally delicious and the kids liked them both ways.  Once you have potatoes seasoned in the bowl, spray, or drizzle, with olive oil (you really don't need much, just enough to lightly cover the potatoes).

If you have kids, everything except the slicing is PERFECT for them.  They can wash the potatoes, season them, mix them around in the bowl, and the next step which is to lay them in a single layer on a flat cookie sheet. I like to use aluminum foil so I don't have dishes to wash (#lazy), but that's personal preference. I know a lot don't like to cook with aluminum foil these days.  

Once they are spread evenly, put them in your preheated oven 160 degrees celsius (or 175 degrees Fahrenheit) till they start to dry out and crinkle a little.  If they start browning, take them out immediately.  I'm not giving a specific time because it all depends on the thickness of your potatoes and it will vary greatly. I tend to cook mine about 20 min. 

Here are 3 different ways I've used sweet potato chips to enhance a dish. I am currently obsessed with making hashes for breakfast.  You can top sweet potatoes with any kind of meat (I prefer seasoned ground turkey or bacon) and then add spinach, cheese (any kind, I prefer brie) and tomatoes (I forgot spinach when I made it) and top it with 2 over easy, or poached, eggs.  DE-ILC-IOUS!!  Prepare to get lots of compliments, impress and hear "thank you" for a while.  You can also serve as chips or on top of a salad.  I grew up HATING sweet potatoes and I now owe my parents a big apology for all those years and complaining. Because now, I am obsessed!!!  :) 

Shift Shop Week 2 menu! Yum-O!

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Let me start by saying, week 1 of Shift Shop I prepped 3 hours which included grocery shopping with 2 kids, washing and chopping and cooking.  I only cooked 2 nights that week and I had breakfast, lunch and dinner ready every day except for Friday which required some creativity because of a school field trip.  So this is doable for ANYONE!!!  I guarantee in the time you would drive to a restaurant, order, wait, eat and drive home, you can prep and cook these recipes and save a lot of MONEY, TIME and CALORIES!  

This week we got our air freight and have enough kitchen gadgets that I actually want to cook more often and deviate from the menu a bit. I'm so excited to see some of my kitchen that I've missed for almost 4 weeks...mainly my Tupperware!  Who would have thought!?!  LOL  It's so easy to get the hang of and I'm starting to enjoy foods I never would have eaten before; sweet potatoes for starters :)  SORRY MOM!!

Here is my plan for the next 7 days (Shift Shop week 2): You can download these recipes here!

Breakfast - 2 eggs, spinach, sun-dried tomato feta cheese (leftovers)
Lunch - Hawaiian style pineapple salmon (leftovers)
Dinner - Turkey Hash

Breakfast - Turkey Hash (leftovers - add 2 eggs)
Lunch - Spinach salad with chicken, strawberries and walnuts
Dinner - Hawaiian style pineapple salmon (leftovers)

Breakfast - Turkey Hash w/ 2 eggs (leftovers)
Lunch - Spinach salad with chicken, strawberries and walnuts (leftovers)
inner - Zucchini, red pepper & sweet potato frittata

Breakfast - Zucchini, red pepper & sweet potato frittata (leftovers)
Lunch - Spinach salad with chicken, strawberries and walnuts (leftovers)
Dinner - Pesto noodles with chicken

Breakfast - Plain greek yogurt, mixed berries, almonds
Lunch - Pesto noodles with chicken (leftovers)
inner - chicken and sweet potato kabobs

Breakfast - Zucchini, red pepper & sweet potato frittata (leftovers)
Lunch - chicken and sweet potato kabobs (leftovers)
Dinner - leftovers - we all might eat something different, but we clean out the fridge for a new week. If just enough for adults, the kids get quesadillas, pizza or udon noodles.  There 3 favorite things :) 

Sunday: - Travy surprise :)